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Drop Off & Pick Up

Wildwood Dropoff and Pickup - Starting August 9, 2023

Dear Wildwood families,

With the construction at Witter Field predicted through December, we will not have access to Wildwood from the back of campus, including the 99 steps at Windsor Gate. To maintain calm and ensure students' safety, we are implementing a new morning car line drop-off on Wildwood Ave. For this to be successful, we need everyone's commitment (our village) to following the steps below. Parking and walking with your child are always good options if that works best for your family. Once on campus, you're welcome to wait outside with your child until their teacher arrives, though it's not required.

In the afternoons, all students will be dismissed to the front of campus, and pickup procedures will remain the same as last year. (For kindergarten, you will be provided with additional measures to ensure what is needed for your little one.) Our beautiful Carol Cramer benches now provide a lovely spot for students to wait! We will assess the need for additional changes once the school year begins. 

Throughout the school year, each class will be seeking parent volunteers to help with our morning car line. I imagine that volunteering for car line duty may sound unfamiliar at first, but I promise, welcoming students with a warm smile and friendly greeting is one of the most rewarding ways you can start your day. Believe me… I know! 

While volunteering, you’ll have the chance to meet other families and make the morning brighter for our kids. Your room parent will share more details soon. We hope you'll consider signing up! Even one morning can make a big difference.

Working together, we are dedicated to providing a smooth, welcoming start and end to each school day. Please reach out if you are uncertain or need additional guidance. 


Principal Daymond and The Wildwood Team



Please follow these steps for a smooth and safe morning 

Wildwood Car Line drop-off… think “village!”

  • Approach the designated drop-off zone (white curb) in front of the school and remain in your car. You may need to wait a bit in a queue. Please be patient. Starting at 8:15, as the cars in front of you drop off children and exit the zone, you will continue to pull forward towards the drop-off POINT. REMEMBER: you must approach the front of the queue (drop-off point) before your child will be escorted from the car.

  • For the safety of all children, do not have your child jump out of the car because you have reached the curb. (I know… tempting.)

  • Make sure your child is ready to exit with all their belongings.

  • Upon reaching the drop-off POINT towards the front of the line (you will not need to get out of the car), an adult will be present to open the door for your child. (Think of this as a valet's greeting!) Your child will exit the car carefully on the passenger side only. 

  • Your child will then head directly to their class gathering point. The adults present will help guide when needed.

  • The supervised gathering points are as follows:

    • All students having breakfast: front patio picnic tables

    • Grades K.1.2: kindergarten playground

    • Grades 3 and 4: front patio picnic tables

    • Grade 5: the courtyard (the big kids on campus)

  • The drop-off zone is for quick and temporary stops only. Never park your car or leave it unattended in this area.

  • Please remember to only make a U-Turn where it is permitted, at the 5-corner intersection at WWD Ave. and Windsor or at the intersection of WWD Ave. and Requa.

  • While your child waits for the bell, they will have the opportunity to socialize with their peers. All play structures are closed during this time.

  • At 8:30, as the bell rings, your child's teacher will greet the class and walk them to class.